FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
You can expect some very cool action of really beautiful U-A-Girls ;)
Feel free to watch the samples, so you know what you can expect.
Sure, we are sending you a NTSC or PAL DVD depending on the country you are living in. A list showing which country uses with format will follow very soon.
The Price in Euros: € 39.00 + € 10.00 for Postage and Packing (worldwide shipping by Airmail);
one exception, shipping to Germany € 39.00 + € 5.00 for Postage and Packing
You can pay by Palpal (the link is under "our products") or you can pay by bank transfer (just send me a mail if you don't have a Paypal account).
Sure you can, the postal costs then only have to be paid once.
Well, that depends how the inquire will be.Since our project has just started we don't know how common the need of VHS tapes will be. Time will tell soon ;)
All the girls speak English.